Selasa, April 17


 Broken Faixan

Through Thick And Thin

© Annie Hall
I could skip a heartbeat, and I would survive,
I could be in a car crash, and still be alive.
The clouds could fall out of the sky, 
The oceans could disappear, and all turn dry.

These things in life are all bad I know, 
but there's far worse things, 
just thought you should know. 

Life would not be the same without someone like you,
You're there when I need you to help me through.
Through the good times and through the bad,
Be them happy, or be them sad.

I don't have to be with you, to know you're there,
We don't have to see each other, to know that we care.
We could be apart for years upon end,
and still remain the best of friends.

Life goes on, and people change,
And through it all, our friendship shall remain the same.
That's such as a life, and how things come to be.
Just thought you should know,
*koncoku....^^ thanks


in the night


I do not like the silly poem,
I do not like the angsty poem,
I do not like the ridiculous poem,
I do not like the damned poem,
I do not like the cheesy poem,
I do not like the random poem,
Or the epic poem,
Or the dandy poem,
Or the long poem,
Or the short poem,
Or the stupid poem,
Or the rude poem,
Or the useless poem,
Or the wordless poem,
Or the poem poem,
Or the poem poem's daughter,
Or the word, Poem,

I like the story.

Aisha Patterson

Jumat, April 13



Mereka tak tahu
Mereka tak mau tahu
Mereka takkan pernah tahu

Apapun yang terjadi
Apapun yang ku hadapi
Apapun yang ku jalani
Mereka takkan pernah tahu

Kesendirian memeluk angin
Kesendirian menyanyikan kesedihan
Mereka tutup telinga
Mereka takkan pernah tahu

Aku salah, mereka tahu
Aku menangis, mereka melihat
Tak ada arti bagi mereka
Aku hanyalah Aku
Termenung dalam kegelapan
Mereka tak mau tahu
Mereka takkan pernah tahu


My friendS

Ku lepaskan duka
Ratapan hidup yg pelik
Ku lepaskan ragu
Kebimbangan dalam hati
Ku lepaskan gundah
Merasuk bersama angin
Ku lepaskan frustasi
Membebani pikiran lusuh

Bersama mereka...
Hidup menjadi berarti
Bersama mereka
Sedih tinggalah mimpi
Bersama mereka
Hariku jadi pelangi
Bersama mereka...

Sedihmu, sedihku, sedih mereka
Inilah kami
Satu hati dia bawa hati bersamaku
Merekalah jiwaku
Teman sejati


(someone is u)

I’ll close my eyes
But  I can’t  for my heart
He can lie with himself
But can’t to me

Beginning from your eyes
I can’t sleep in night
Your shadow keep on my eyes
It’s you...not else

I’m dreaming of
Just your shadow
Not lost....
Try wake up
And i founded your’re in my soul

My day is u
May think is u
Mydream is u
My love is u
My life is u
My future is u
I’m yours

Hope you can hearing me
Be with me
Always together
I’m with u